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I figured since the girl on the track team and I were close friends, and she was LGBT, she would be the perfect person to tell first. One day during practice I had had enough of keeping my secret, so I made a promise to myself that I was going to tell someone before the day ended.

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I was close friends with a girl on my high school track team She is a part of the LGBT community and was totally out. While everyone was talking about who they were crushing on, I would be sitting there in silence, praying that the topic would change before anyone asked me who I liked.Īfter experiencing that awkward situation a few times, I felt that I needed to tell someone about how I really felt. I hung out with friends, went on a few vacations, and I made unforgettable memories.Īs high school crept into my sophomore and junior years just a few years ago, I had started realizing I was different. Last summer going into my junior year of college was possibly the best summer I ever had.

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